Dallas Day 2 - 6&6 Success
So surgery went well. Rachel and I spoke with Dr. Fearon briefly after the surgery and got to see some quick pictures of what Isaiah has hidden beneath his casts. We've got 6 fingers and 6 toes right now and it sounded like Dr. F said that it looks good for getting 10&10 with the second stage of surgery in 12 weeks. We got to go back into the recovery room at about 12:15 and despite being a bit crabby Isaiah looks pretty good. His face is a bit swollen so he's sleeping off the pain killers with his eyes slightly open, but he's breathing fine. He's got casts up almost to his shoulders on his arms and almost all the way up to his groin on his legs and big puffy padding around the casts right now so he doesn't whack himself too badly. As Dr Fearon puts it, he kind of looks like those big wheel bikes from the 80's with his big blue arm casts.
I'm sure he'll be crabby when he wakes up more and probably in a good amount of pain too, but we're happy that he's got fingers and toes. I can't tell you how good it feels. I'm crying a little just writing this I'm so happy. It's just an odd feeling because we kind of already miss his little 'paws' since we had gotten so used to the only thing we had for the last 9 months, but its a great feeling to know this is all going to help him immensely. We could tell he was getting frustrated with his hands as they were. We know he'll be frustrated for a while with the casts and all, but it'll be better in the long run.
Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and prayers for the surgery. I wish I could call you all individually, but we will all catch up in due time. We've still got a lot ahead of us. We'll be in the hospital at least another day. We have to stay in Dallas at least 24 hrs after discharge and then we've got that nice 12hr drive back home. He's completely immobile with casts on all extremities for 3 weeks and then we've got to swap out bandages 3x a day until the skin is completely healed over. It'll be tough, but fun to finally see his fingers and toes. Plus we get to go through this all again in 12 weeks. He's a tough little guy, but we know he's got a lot of people rooting for him. Thanks again.
I'm sure he'll be crabby when he wakes up more and probably in a good amount of pain too, but we're happy that he's got fingers and toes. I can't tell you how good it feels. I'm crying a little just writing this I'm so happy. It's just an odd feeling because we kind of already miss his little 'paws' since we had gotten so used to the only thing we had for the last 9 months, but its a great feeling to know this is all going to help him immensely. We could tell he was getting frustrated with his hands as they were. We know he'll be frustrated for a while with the casts and all, but it'll be better in the long run.
Thank you everyone for all your thoughts and prayers for the surgery. I wish I could call you all individually, but we will all catch up in due time. We've still got a lot ahead of us. We'll be in the hospital at least another day. We have to stay in Dallas at least 24 hrs after discharge and then we've got that nice 12hr drive back home. He's completely immobile with casts on all extremities for 3 weeks and then we've got to swap out bandages 3x a day until the skin is completely healed over. It'll be tough, but fun to finally see his fingers and toes. Plus we get to go through this all again in 12 weeks. He's a tough little guy, but we know he's got a lot of people rooting for him. Thanks again.
Love comin' your way!