Dallas Trip Day 2

We got on the road at 11:30 yesterday which was pretty good for us. There was a lot of rain on the drive again, but we powered through at slower speeds and eventually made it to my cousin Angie's in Coppell where we're staying. Isaiah gets to see his older second cousin Karsten who was apparently so happy to see us he decided that clothes were just too much for him so he spent much of the evening running around naked. It was pretty amusing. I don't think Isaiah knew what was going on though, he just kept watching with a puzzled look on his face.
Again we had problems getting him to bed. I'm thinking he was sleeping so much in the car these last few days and stuck in the car seat when he's awake that he has all this pent up energy that he needs to get out and it took until 11pm last night, plus he woke up at 2:30 for an hour.
This morning we woke up to some horrible screams and we thought something really bad happened. As it turns out it wasn't so bad, but Angie forgot we were parked in the turnaround spot in her driveway and she backed into our car. They yellow car gets struck again, 5th time in not even 6 years. The rear passenger door is pretty badly dented, but the car is still driveable. there was a fairly sizeable gap between the window glass and the metal panel below so I taped it up to prevent a little lake from forming inside the door if it rains. It'll be fine though and the important thing is no one was hurt.


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