Birth Daze

So I think its kind of fitting that here on Rachel's Birthday I finally write about Isaiah's. I'm sitting in my sisters basement in Minnesota awaiting the big gathering we're having up here to jointly celebrate Rachel inching closer to 'retirement' age and to show off Isaiah to our Minny friends. It should be a good time!

Isaiah's birthday was pretty good in itself. Its still hard to believe that the little guy is two years old. Though we feel somewhat old hat at all of the Apert stuff now two years ago we were still in that panic phase. What a difference to today. His party was pretty cool. The kid worships at the Mouse's altar, helped along by the annual passes to Disney we bought last year, and his party was Mickey Mouse themed to the hilt. Rachel even went crazy making a Mickey Mouse cake that took her two hours to decorate, but it looked absolutely great. I think all but a couple of his presents were Disney in some way. Tons of Toy Story, Cars, and Mickey Mouse stuff, the kid made out like a bandit. The things that weren't Disney were still great too. He got a bunch of Duplo blocks and his cozy coupe, both of which he adores.

He's getting big too. I don't have the exact stats but he's something like 34 inches tall and 27 pounds. He's tall and lanky and running around like crazy. Speech therapy has been helping his talking lately too. He's slowly but surely get more consonants in. Our favorite new word is 'night night' which he also says to me when I go off to work in the morning because I think he thinks he goes bye bye when he goes to sleep. We've got to teach him the difference yet, but him vocalizing is the important thing right now. He understands much of what we say, we just need to get him to vocalize things so we can understand him more. Anyways, I've got to help get things ready for the party now so I hope to write more when I get a chance.


Anonymous said…
Yay! It was so great to see you all last night. Isaiah is even cuter in person! We hope the rest of Rachel's birthday was great :)

The best part was when we got to witness the flash dance ;)

love in Christ,
Mat and Malia Lehnertz

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