The Good Life

So lately things have been relatively good with Isaiah. I say relatively because I don't want to jinx myself. Its funny how little we post when all is well and how there are flurries of posts around the bad and stress filled events in our lives. He's been making good progress with speech therapy and approximating more and more words. He's got this cute little sound he makes when counting things. He just points to each item in succession going 'Dee' ... 'Dee' ... 'Dee' He's starting to recognize more things in his color and shapes book like stars and hearts. He can pretty much approximate all of the Mickey Mouse clubhouse regulars and point them out. While 'Mih-E' is still his favorite 'Dah-O' and 'Ooh-E' aren't far behind. He says 'A-E' for Daisy and 'Ni-Ni' for Minnie and can point out each and every one of them including Pluto. It's just so exciting to see the wheels a' turning as this kid learns more and more. He's really gotten into his Duplos he got for his birthday lately too. Last week he really started stacking and clicking the blocks together by himself and they've been great counting and color tools as well.

All this good stuff comes with a little frustration too. He really does well catching on to watching Daddy do something and trying to do it himself, but when he can't get things to work he gets frustrated and throws a mini temper tantrum which usually ends up with him throwing every single block or car or whatever he was trying to do on the floor and then pushing it further away from him on the floor until he calms himself down. Usually these tantrums are fairly short lived and the good thing is most times he goes back and picks up the block or what not and tries again a short while later so it's not completely discouraging to him. Most times the tantrums are because something isn't exactly as he wants it. We're hoping it doesn't develop into more OCD-like tendencies, but being somewhat of a perfectionist about certain things is okay. It makes me realize he knows what he wants and even though he blows up, he comes back and tries to tackle it again. Here's to hoping he keeps up that mentality.


Anonymous said…
What a great mentality for a little boy to have! It's really great that he keeps trying until he's satisfied, rather than giving up as most kids would :)

love in Christ,

Mat and Malia Lehnertz

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