It's a Date

So we officially have a surgery date.  7am on March 24, 2017 Isaiah will be going back for the RED surgery.  Having the actual date set just makes everything sink in so much more.  Rachel and I were in a fog for much of yesterday evening.  We knew it was coming and we know of plenty of people that have gone through all of this or will be doing the same surgery within months of us, but it doesn't make it any easier.  Maybe we were in denial for awhile, or simply just chose not to think about it, either way its hard to think of much else right now.

Right now we're trying to figure out what help we'll need before, during, and after the surgery as people have already started asking.  We've never gone through one of Isaiah's major surgeries with other children before and now we have two!  We've always been so steeled up that we could do this on our own before, but inside we know we really can't.  We're even just having problems trying to explain it to Isaiah because what we have said so far isn't really sinking in. I know we'll need some help with the other kiddos, and meals after the surgery probably wouldn't hurt, plus Isaiah might like getting some cards or small gifts at the hospital in Dallas.  We just don't know exactly what we need, but we know we need everyone's support!

Right now we could really use your prayers and good thoughts.  Not only for Isaiah and his doctors and nurses, but for Rachel and my strength and well-being these next few months.  Once we get a better handle on everything we'll let people know what we think we'll need in the ways of physical help around this all.


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