
We're getting down to it now.  A week from today Isaiah will probably be coming out of surgery right around lunch time.  I still don't know that we're ready mentally and he's still kind of clueless about it all despite all our prepping.  He knows he's going to see Dr. Fearon, and he's going to the hospital for surgery and he's seen pictures of the RED, but I'm not sure its all sinking in. 

Work has been a mad dash for both Rachel and me the last couple weeks.  While both of us can work from the road somewhat, I don't know how much we'll actually get done, so we've both been trying to get as much tied up and taken care of as we can before leaving and its been taking a toll especially since we both work for very small operations.  Hopefully this weekend we can wrap up what we need to do personally to be ready for the trip and coast on our of here on Tuesday to start the drive to Dallas.

Helpwise right now the biggest thing we always need is prayer.  Mostly around Isaiah's health, both him staying healthy before the surgery and then through the surgery and recovery after.  

We're also a bit worried about the surgery costs itself.  While Humana said they'll cover it as 'in-network'  and there's a big gap between their 'usual and customary' costs and what the surgeon expects to get compensated. Its a gap of at least $10-20K from what we understand. We'd be on the hook for the difference if Dr. Fearon's office and Humana can't get a Letter of Agreement (LOA) or single case agreement (SCA) worked out.  There's been a little movement on that, but nothing definite yet, so prayers around that would be appreciated as well.  We're happy its not the full amount or out of network costs, but it's still a good amount of money.  We always said if there was something we'd go into major debt about it would be Isaiah's care.  We've just been very blessed up to this point to not have major bills looming over us. We've always felt that God has carried us through all of this and will continue to do so.

We've also got some help around the house lined up in Dallas and for the first few weeks that we're back home to help with Isaiah's day to day care.  Though it would probably be helpful to have some meals or someone to help me one day with the yard after we get back since I'll be thrown back into  work and trying to play catch up on everything else around the house. We're playing by ear how much we'll actually be going out once he's home.  Some kids don't want to leave the house with the halo on, but I have a feeling Isaiah might go a bit stir crazy. 

If anyone wants to get Isaiah any little gifts for his return he still loves anything and everything lego and trains.  He loves the minecraft and angry bird legos and we're hopefully going to be able to take him out to the model train show this weekend.  He also loves pretty much anything disney / pixar as well.


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