Surgery Day Log

We'll be updating this post as the day goes on so check back every hr or so.  We're at Medical City Hospital in Dallas, TX.

Main Craniofacial / Plastic Surgeon: Dr. Jeffrey Fearon
ENT:  Dr. Brian Peters

Our last look at this guys little face like this :(

6:00 - at the hospital waiting to be taken to surgery prep

7:00 - most of the doctors have been by to visit quick.  Isaiah got his 'goofy juice' to help him relax and with the separation.  We've got some funny video of him trying to play angry birds go while 'under the influence' 

7:40 - They took him back to the surgery room

8:00 - Dr Peters came out to say his ear tube removal went great - He only had  the typical 10% holes in his ear drums.  We'll follow up with ENT in Atlanta and if we need new tubes they'll do it here when he gets the RED taken off.  Basically this was a piggyback procedure since he was already going to be under and its such a quick surgery. 

9:30 - They're done with the prep and have just begun his main surgery - the midface advacement.

10:15 - They just finished the top approach and are about to start on the bottom.

11:00 - They're closing already but still need to attach the RED.  Going well so far.  Thank you for everyone's continued prayers.  While still sad about his face changing, we've had a real sense of peace around the surgery itself today.

11:30 - We grabbed a quick bite to eat and have relocated up to the PICU waiting room.  Still working on getting the RED on his head, still about 45 minutes until they bring him up here.    

12:30 - He's out and getting settled in the PICU.  We haven't seen him yet but Dr. Fearon said everything went very smoothly, but warned us there's 'a lot of traffic going on up there'.  He's going to have a bunch of tubes and wires and what not up there.  We should be able to see him in about 20-30 minutes.  I'll start a new post and put any surgical pics behind a page jump once we are in with him.

Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support.  We know everyone has been lifting Isaiah, his doctors and nurses and us all up in prayer. 


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