First off, surgery negotiations with the providers and insurance company are still in progress and looking positive. It’s almost a full time job for Rachel dealing with all this, especially when certain provider’s staff don’t feel like they’re giving it much effort at all. I guess we can expect some of that since we 'choose' to go to Dallas because of what some of the Doctors here in Atlanta did and were saying they were going to do, but to us its not really a choice. Unlike 4 years ago Rachel is working now, albeit part time, but it eats up a bunch of time and is making her worried about having enough time to ready her mind for the surgery. I don’t know if you ever can really get yourself psyched up for these things. I think you can only try to clear your mind of everything else that gets in the way, but even that’s difficult at times. We’ve been lucky to have a very supportive family and since we’ve finally found a home church here in Atlan...