
Showing posts from March, 2010

For those of you not on Facebook...

For those of you who are not Rachel's friend on Facebook, I thought I would post Isaiah's little accomplishment from this morning which is also now my desktop image at work. Click the pic to see a larger pic in all of its superheroey PJ goodness.

Yes we are alive

Sorry about the lack of posts lately. I guess without having a stressful surgery or quite as many bills hanging over our heads lately I haven't had much to write about. Wait a second, we have a 20 month old child who's doing something different and new almost everyday now, of course I have something to write about! Today we took Isaiah to the ATL Opera's family day and he sat through a production of The Ugly Duckling and seemed to tolerate it, but we're not sure if he fully liked it. We toured the Opera's office with him and Grandpa H. We saw the Costume Shop, the musical instrument 'petting zoo' and much more. They had a little demonstration of stage combat and how they make it look real. Well Isaiah has this little thing, he rather enjoys when someone dies or gets hurt on stage and he laughed and clapped his hands when they had a swordfight and the one woman was 'killed.' He's done this before at Disney when The Beast from Beauty and th...

Isaiah is walking!

Sorry for the random pictures but Isaiah just decided to walk today. Maybe it's because he met a new friend named Bay, maybe he just decided that he was sick of crawling. All we know is he started taking a few steps and now fifteen minutes later he's walking all over the place. He's even turning, once to run away from mommy. It's crazy. I don't have the video cam with me but I'll get some video up as soon as I can.