Yes we are alive

Sorry about the lack of posts lately. I guess without having a stressful surgery or quite as many bills hanging over our heads lately I haven't had much to write about. Wait a second, we have a 20 month old child who's doing something different and new almost everyday now, of course I have something to write about!

Today we took Isaiah to the ATL Opera's family day and he sat through a production of The Ugly Duckling and seemed to tolerate it, but we're not sure if he fully liked it. We toured the Opera's office with him and Grandpa H. We saw the Costume Shop, the musical instrument 'petting zoo' and much more. They had a little demonstration of stage combat and how they make it look real. Well Isaiah has this little thing, he rather enjoys when someone dies or gets hurt on stage and he laughed and clapped his hands when they had a swordfight and the one woman was 'killed.' He's done this before at Disney when The Beast from Beauty and the Beast was lynch mobbed by the town people at the show in Hollywood Studios. I just hope we aren't raising a little psychopath. I'm fairly sure we're not, but we need to teach him its not appropriate to laugh at that.

Other than that we've been starting to experience more and more of the normal parent stuff which has been great. The walking this last week has led to more falls and crying fits, but he's still soldiering on like a little trooper. He's eating more and different foods as his teeth slowly come in and he's starting to get the gist of feeding himself with a spoon, so long as he remembers to dip the correct end of the spoon in the food. He's starting to get more vocal and were starting to hear more sounds from him and a little more mimicry, but no more full words yet. The other day I thought I heard him say "I-eh-ahh" but of course he hasn't repeated it since. Its a trip I tell you, a real trip...


Way to go(WALKING)Isaiah!
I completely understand about the kinda inappropriate laughing times. Aiden laughs when people say or get an ouch and he loves to watch his siblings get into it too. Guess it is entertainment but it might be confusing when it is time for preschool...
Big high fives from Aiden for all the awesome progress Isaiah is doing!
Hugs from us-

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