New Year - So far, so-so

A week in and the new year seems to be going about the same as last year. Not the best year ever of our lives, but nothing much to complain about either. Isaiah is still trying to get over his wheezing asthma that flared up about a week before Christmas, but we definitely hear less junk in his lungs now. The other day he actually helped us percussor his own chest. The percussor, if you don't know, is a little flexible plastic cup that we lightly beat on his chest and back to help loosen up the junk in his lungs and make coughs more productive. It was just cute to see himself trying to do that to himself. He's really been getting better about taking his meds lately and putting up less of a fight. His breathing treatments were a struggle when we had to start increasing them, but Grandpa Kolis' gift of Bearry White, Jr (a white stuffed bear) helped us since we had Isaiah help give Bearry White his breathing meds too.
New years day we had breakfast with Rachel's Grandma and Aunt and Uncle and his the road to Cincinnati where we visiting my Aunt Nancy and Uncle Conrad and my cousins Ed, Frank, and Miriam. We spent a few hours there most of which was spent by Isaiah climbing up and down a half level of stairs and chasing after their dog Penny, and headed back on the road for home. We got home late, but the house and all was still here!
It was tough to get back to work this week after a whole week off, since I was just starting to get relaxed again, but I'm very happy to still be working. Anyways it looks like we'll be getting some snow tomorrow night and being forced to stay home may give a me a good chance to get some more photos uploaded.!


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