Not ready for primetime...

So Izzy is still in the NICU. He failed his second car seat test, but passed his car bed test. Why is he still there though? When he was sleeping after a big meal (80 cc's!) his SPO2 levels dropped into the high 70's which is not good at all. It wasn't showing any correlation to the heart and respiratory lines which is what our home monitor would be picking up, so he could drop to dangerously low levels of oxygen in his blood without the alarms even going off if we took him home.

The docs want to check a couple things like the effect of nose drops, etc to see if his nasal passages are just inflamed. The other thing that it could be is that with all his other cranio facial problems his bones at the nasal passages may be what is constricting the airflow. If that's the case he'd need rhinoplasty to rework his nasal bones and open things up some. So yeah, yet another surgery he made need. We for sure won't be able to take him home until at least Monday now or possibly longer if it is his bone structure.

Other than that he's doing great. Eating tons, very active and bright and responsive to everything we've been doing. We just wish he could come home soon.


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