More good news

Saturday Izzy had his 4mo check up with Dr. Leonard, his pediatrician and got another round of immunizations. He's officially 15lbs 13oz (the 16lbs earlier this week was with his clothes on) I didn't catch his height, but both his height and weight are in the 75th percentile. His head circumference is 41cm and is only around 25th percentile, but its still growing outward which is good. The doc said he's doing pretty much everything a 4 month old would except turning himself over, but she did say that its not much to worry about yet. Next month we get to start adding some rice cereal to his diet and at 6months we may even start him on the jars of food. Its all pretty exciting.

Yesterday night I had a good break and got to go to an Atlanta Thrasher's hockey game with my neighbor Josh. I'm a huge hockey fan if you didn't know already, and its a close third on the things I miss about Minnesota behind my family and friends. The Thrashers lost, badly, but it was still good to get out and do a bit of yelling at a sporting event. Today Rachel and I had a bit of a more civilized respite going to the Opera here in Atlanta. We saw La Cenerentola (Cinderella) and went back stage with Rachel's Dad and got to meet much of the cast. It's always interesting and still a rather new experience for me, but still a good break. It got Rachel and me out of the house for about 5 hours and helped us feel a bit more normal again, which is always good.


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