Weekend Update

So here's the weekly wrap up. We had a relatively busy week this week. Wednesday was our trip up to Shriner's in Greenville, SC and after our visit we've pretty much eliminated that as an option for his hand surgeries. Nothing against Shriner's hospital, after all free care is free care, but their idea of what they could give Isaiah for functioning hands just didn't meet with our approval and we weren't comfortable going to a place without a pediatric ICU in case something serious happened. It was a bit of a bummer, but at least we went and we know now.

Thursday Izzy had his weekly Physical Therapy (PT) visit. His therapist showed him how to knock over blocks and he seemed to have a good time doing it. Maybe it had something to do with the fact he was given licks off of a cherry dum dum sucker as reward, but he liked doing it. His face is hillarious when he has the sucker though. After he gets his lick in he closes his mouth all cute and pulls his lower lip under his upper lip and makes a little raspberry like noise.

Saturday we met the Maxwells, a family with a grown Apert child here in the metro. It was great to meet Susie and her parents Ron and Pam and see first hand that everything has its way of working its way out. Sure there are difficulties along the way, but they've got a great daughter who's made it through it all and is currently in college so we know there's great hope for Isaiah.

Its been a busy week and now we're looking at going to Dallas to consult with Dr Fearon there who's literally written chapters of books on Apert to get his opinion on Isaiah's hands. People from all over the country go see him and we might end up doing the same for his hands at least.

That's it for now.


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