Christmas is Coming!

As you've noticed we've had a few picture updates on the blog recently and not much else. Its been a busy last couple weeks for us getting ready for the holidays, but really not much exciting going on in our lives. Isaiah's starting to get more and more gabby which is good. He can say mama, dada, and has lately started saying baby although its more like baaaaay-be. He's getting more and more vocal every day which is encouraging to us. Now that my back is doing a bit better I've been able to play on the floor with him more and all he wants to do is crawl back and forth over me. It's kind of funny actually because he'll get a point sometimes where his legs are off the ground but he hasn't got his arms out in front of him yet so he's kind of floating on me like a teeter totter. He's continuing his torture of the cat who has now pretty much grown intolerant of Isaiah and has started hissing at him so we have to watch out for that. I think the cat doesn't like that Isaiah is now faster than he is so he's pretty much got nowhere to hide anymore.

There are a ton of pictures from the last few months holed up in my camera and I'm aiming to get them uploaded by the end of New Years weekend when I have some more time. In the meantime enjoy out mobile uploads.


Marie said…
Glad things are going well. I look forward to more pictures!!!

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