Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day everyone, especially Grandmas Hanthorn and Kolis, Great Grandmothers Hanthorn and Hackler, and in memory of Great Grandma Mix and Great Grandma Rose. You are all in our thoughts today. Oh and Isaiah and I would like to wish Rachel a very happy Mother's Day as well, her first official one at that!

So after nearly a week of dressing changes on the right hand we've pretty much got it down. I think we're lucky we got kind of 'broken in' with just the one rather than all four extremities at once. Dr. Fearon said we could take the leg casts off at about 2 1/2 weeks if we wanted and since he's been kicking his legs like crazy enough to make the casts bend at his knees anyways we're going to take them off this evening after we get back from a late Brunch. We're still going to leave the left hand in the cast until Tuesday or Wednesday to kind of stagger things some and so its on for the full three weeks. We're doing the legs early mainly because we're kind of worried about getting all the dressing changes done at once since he barely sits still enough to get the one done. Hopefully, if we work this right, we'll only be doing all four at once for a week, week and half since the right hand is healing pretty well right now and we can stop the dressings on it once the skin looks good and clean.

We've been pretty tired lately too since Isaiah hasn't been sleeping through the night lately. He's been up almost every 3 hrs the last few nights and we can't figure out why. He was doing so well sleeping through the night the first couple weeks with the casts on even, but lately not so much. I don't know if its because his hand is out in the open now and he maybe is rolling over on it and it hurts some or what, but it hasn't been too much fun. From what I hear though, we've been pretty lucky at how well he's been sleeping in general up to this point so we've got to be thankful for that at least.

Oh and the blog has hit a mini milestone of sorts - this is post 100!


Anonymous said…
Happy Mother's Day Rachel,

I hope you have a wonderful day, sounds like Isaiah is healing up pretty well. You all remain in my prayers as always.


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