Somebody really wants to crawl...

Isaiah's been doing pretty well lately. His demeanor is as happy as ever the majority of the time and we've finally got him taking naps in his crib rather than our arms. He's been flipping over to his tummy much more lately too. Unfortunately he still hasn't mastered getting back to his back yet so for the last week or so we've woken up to a crying baby 'stuck' on his belly. All we have to do most times is put him back on his back, he gives a little whimper or two. Nine times out of 10 goes right back to sleep which is great. All in all it's not so bad except for the fact that some nights it happens 5 or 6 times which puts a bit of a wrinkle into our sleep schedules, but doesn't that happen to all parents? From what I understand we've been pretty lucky compared to most parents.
With him being on his tummy more and not throwing as bit of a fit as soon as he used to we've been trying to encourage him to crawl more. He's slowly getting the hang of it. We've been putting him on one end of our bed on his tummy and a toy on the other end and encouraging him to come and get it. He's figured out the whole lift his butt up and move the legs part, but not so much about using his arms yet. Most of the time he's kind of been leading with his forehead, but on the odd occasion he's figured out how to use his arms to get his head up. The more we work at it the better he's getting.
On the work front we've got the insurance figured out and they've expedited the COBRA paperwork so we don't have all the hang ups with the prescriptions and appointments we normally need to have. I'm still looking for part time or contract work, but since it just happened Monday and I've only got 4 days into this we're not too worried yet. Come three months from now it would be a different story. I'm just happy we've got the insurance figured out so we can proceed with Isaiah's surgeries as scheduled.


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