Today is only yesterday's tomorrow 11/04/09

Dr Sacco just made his rounds and thought Isaiah looks to be ahead of schedule recovery wise. So far he's been mildly crabby, but not horrible yet. His A-Line IV is out, no more Foley bag, no more Blood Pressure checks every hr and his labs show that he probably won't need any extra blood. We've got him to drink about 8 oz of apple juice and being the independent little guy he is he HAS to hold his own bottle which is a little interesting since he still has a board on his right arm so he doesn't pull his fluid IV out, but he manages. We just have to correct it a bit so he gets the nipple on the sippy cup in the right place since he can't see anything since his eyes are swollen shut.
The swelling isn't nearly as bad as I had imagined, but I tend to be a little overly imaginative sometimes. It is definitely significant though and today will be its height. He's been sleeping most of the time from what we can gather (since its hard to tell since he can't open his eyes) so we haven't experienced much of his frustration yet, but I'm sure it will come.

Hopefully we will be moving from the PICU to the normal floor within an hr or two!


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