Weeee're Baaaack 11/09/09

In all honesty we've been back since Friday night at about 11pm after driving straight through from Dallas. We were happy to be home and sick of hearing the Playhouse Disney CD that was seemingly the only thing that could keep Isaiah calm for about 8 hrs worth of the 12 hr drive. If I have to hear the Handy Manny theme or Monster Hoedown anytime soon again I may scream. It wasn't until we were around Tuscaloosa that I tried another CD that didn't send him into a crying fit and that was daddy's Arcade Fire CD which lulled him to sleep with the orchestra backgrounds and church organ.

The last few days have been relatively good. He's almost back to his normal activity level which is both good and bad. Its great that he's playing and crawling around but he's as fearless as ever and leading with his head which is still very swollen and full of fluid. I said it on facebook already, but his head both feels and sounds like a water balloon. It's squishy and if you move him too fast you can hear it slosh around. it gives me the willys just thinking about it. That fluid also makes it uncomfortable for him to lay down so we haven't been getting much sleep lately. Rachel has been very kind to me and took the brunt of the duties last night since I went back to work today, and today we found out he has an ear infection in his left ear which was super swollen. Apparently there was so much wax in the ear that Dr. Leonard couldn't see his ear drum. No wonder he was so crabby.

So for sleeping the only thing that somewhat worked last night was him sleeping on me or Rachel since he was more comfortable sitting up. Today Rachel tried him sleeping hi upright in the stroller which we may try tonight to see if he'll sleep longer than a half hr to an hr at a time. Wish us luck!


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