National De-Lurking Days

I heard about this from Marie, mother to another child with Apert Syndrome, Jack who's blog you can find here or in our sidebar to the right. I also apologize to her because I pretty much grabbed the text below from her.

Apparently, January 10-12 are National De-Lurking Days. For those of you that don't know a Lurker is a person who reads a blog or listserve or forum or whatever but does not actually comment. If you don't actually comment on the web, no one ever knows you are there except us savvy bloggers. We know you are there because you appear in our stats but that's just a set of numbers, not names!

We know you're out there! Maybe you've thought of commenting but did not want to leave your personal information out there on the internet for everybody to see. No problem! We allow anonymous commenting.

Maybe you have thought of leaving a comment but don't know how. All you do is move your mouse so that your pointer is over the picture of a speech bubble or the words "post a comment" or "remarks" at the bottom of each post. There might just be a number and the word "remarks" like "2 remarks". Then you click the left button on your mouse once.

If you decide to post anonymously please just leave your name in the comment box so I might have an idea of who you are. If I know you already, nice to see you here. If I don't know you yet, it's nice to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you better.

We're supposed to give you some encouragement to comment so here's a suggested topic. Tell us your biggest blessing / good thing going at the moment, or feel free to write whatever you like in the comments.

We're looking forward to hearing from you!


Renee said…
Okay, okay! Guilty :-) I rarely comment, but I do come by to see how Izzy is!

Chloe & Gavin's Grammy Carstens
Marie said…
What a well written post! LOL!

Hey there!

I'm glad you are starting to blog more again.
Anonymous said…
Hi Izzy's Dad,

sorry, i haven't lurked enough to learn your name! i'am julie, mom to kevin, 20 mons with aperts. i like to read about other little kiddos w/ aperts to learn about this curious mystery wh/ is so rare.
i usually have the time to read when kev is asleep on my lap, like right now, and i have only one hand w/ wh/ to peck ouy a message, plus i hate to write- i'am a math & science person!
anyway i check in every now and again- hope all is well and you win your appeal. you can visit us at caringbridge- search under
God bless your day,

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