New Pictures

I did do it New years Weekend like I said I would, but somehow forgot to post it on the blog that I've upload a batch of new photos of Isaiah spanning from September to December of last year, including a few pictures post surgery. You can visit the full web gallery of the photos all the time from the link in the upper right corner of the page under the slideshow, but if you just want to see the new ones I just uploaded click here.

Isaiah has been doing pretty good lately. We're over the bug that dogged us over Christmas, but the living room carpeting has yet to recover fully. He's starting to bear crawl more and more and he's been starting to take Frankenstein-esk steps while Rachel or I am holding him upright. We're thinking he might be going through another growth spurt again because he's eating like crazy most of the time and usually wakes up at least once in the middle of the night to chug down a bottle of milk. The playroom is working out nicely and I'll try to get a couple photos of it up tonight. Isaiah seems to love it and the Living Room looks so much more grown up again with only a few toys and his keyboard sitting out there now. We've learned quickly that containing messes is the key to keeping things looking cleaner! Its nice to be able to close the doors to the den and shutter off the mess and relax a little in the living room. Just all the clutter everywhere was really starting to stress us out. Both Rachel and I feel like we are constantly cleaning and I have a feeling this will last for a good 16+ more years.

We've got more exciting news to come soon! Well the news is exciting to us, and sorry to burst the bubble grandparents, it is not another grandchild as of yet. I hope to post more soon!


Marie said…
What a teaser! I'm going to come back and check out the pics later.

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