The Rest of Saturday in Review 9/8/09

So Saturday after a dip in the hotel pool we headed over to the Magic Kingdom mostly to take Isaiah to the Spectromagic parade. We had a little time before the parade started at 9pm so we got the token ride of It's a Small World out of the way. You could tell certain parts of the ride were already being decorated for Christmas. There were some reindeer peeking over the hills at the beginning of the ride and the former hot air balloons at the ceiling looked amazingly like christmas ornaments. Another area had snowmen in the sky. Most of the changes were the aerial things, and not that noticeable unless you're an anal retentive architect type person like me who is trying to drown out the song in your head. I apparently fell asleep on the ride at the end since we were stuck for a couple minutes in the last room due to slow loading/unloading.

We started making our way back up to the front of the park to find a spot for the parade. Its a pretty cool parade with all sorts of lights and tons of disney characters and we thought Isaiah would like it. Unfortunately since he refused to take a nap all day he was in a funky mood and only intermittently enjoyed the parade before falling asleep about 10 minutes into it. The parade actually stopped for a bit as I think one of the floats ran out of gas or something since we saw a gussied up go cart with a maintenance man on it running some propane on beyond our view. We had been staring at one of the bears from the country bear jamboree and pluto for about 5 mins at that point. Since Isaiah was sleeping and the parade wasn't moving, we decided to call it a night and head back to the hotel. Of course when we got back, Isaiah was refreshed and wide awake after his little nap and it took a bit to get him in bed for the night.


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