Slowly getting better / Asthma!

So it turns out when Rachel took him back to see Dr. Leonard earlier this week that he had gotten another bug as well as another ear infection! Sooo fun! Well we got the new meds and he just didn't seem to be getting better. He kept wheezing and breathing much louder than normal so Rachel took him back in yesterday. Dr Leonard did some more looking and tests and said his ear was healing, but that he should definitely get tubes put in his ears and that he has the Asthma. Its the height of pine pollen here which could explain some of it, but I'm fairly certain Asthma, among other breathing problems, is pretty common in Apert kids. We're just lucky he doesn't need a trach at this point, just more nebulizer treatments. They tested for RSV again and did the whole chest x-ray thing to be sure on everything and all came back reasonably well. We're just hoping he heals enough and in time for us to still have the surgery as scheduled in Dallas.
Maybe him being sick is a blessing in disguise though since there are still some outstanding health insurance issues to be worked out for the surgery.


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