Recovery is going well

Sorry for the lack of posts.  I've been back to work and most of my weekend was spent putting up Christmas lights outside since we were in Dallas the week before.  Isaiah loves them so much its my excuse to go a bit crazy.  I'm not to Clark Griswold level yet and I don't have them programmed to music or anything, just a bunch of lights.  I think I put up around 50 strings over the weekend which totals something in the 2,500 - 3,000 range of lights.  Last year a family down the block from us said its like Christmas exploded at out house.  There's another 10-20 strings I need to repair, but anyways, you're not here to read my excuses for not posting...

  Isaiah is continuing to do well.  His swelling is down considerably, but there's still some in the center of his forehead and around his left eye.  The bruising at the bridge of his nose is gone and we're starting to get a good feel how his new face will end up looking.  One thing has us a bit worried though.  His right eye seems open quite a bit more than his left.  It may just be the swelling at the left eye hasn't gone down, but the upper corner of the right eye seems higher than the left and there just seems to be a lot more white of the eye visible now on the right side.  Hopefully things will even out a bit more over the coming weeks, but it worries me and Rachel.  He just doesn't need one more thing that kids can poke fun at him with. I'd post a pic to show what I mean, but it's late and he's sleeping. 

  We didn't end up going to church on Sunday.  Rachel wasn't comfortable yet letting him run free in Bloom.  Technically he's not supposed to run or jump for 2 weeks after the surgery and while we love and trust the caregivers in Bloom at Passion City we know our son.  If he wants to run, he'll run, and its hard to wrangle him especially with 15 other kids in the room.  He just feeds off the chaos sometimes!  Plus his energy level is so schizophrenic right now.  One minute he's hyper, the next he's curled up on the couch napping.  Rachel said he made it fully through the day today without a nap, but he did spend a good amount of time on the couch under a blanket trying to keep warm during this cold snap.  I'd probably be curled up myself if I didn't have to go to work.  We moved to the South to get away from the cold in Minnesota we lived with for over a decade!

  The other thing we didn't expect is that his voice has changed.  Not a ton, but its noticeable enough to us.  He's a bit more nasal sounding.  At first we thought it was due to the swelling, but we're pretty sure the swelling is gone at his nose.  He's still got the cute intonation in his voice, but its just different.  Its one of those things that most people wouldn't probably notice, but we totally do since we're around him all the time.  It was especially noticeable when listening to videos taken only a month or so ago.

I'll try to get some good photos and maybe a video or two up here in the next couple days and will probably get to some more updates over the holiday weekend.  Thanks for sticking with us!  B


Malia said…
Glad to hear the recovery is moving along nicely :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

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