We're Out!

Despite all the throw up last night he was able to be discharged right around lunch today.  We got back to the hotel and have been hanging out on the floor most of the afternoon.  Isaiah is already doing much better.  I had to run out for some more Childrens Ibuprofen since we didn't realize the bottle we brought was expired.  I came back with lunch for Rachel and I and as soon as he smelled food he said he was hungry.  He had some Teddy Grahams and tortilla chips and has been able to keep all his fluids and med down.  He's also more back to his old self building lego towers, playing with his cars and watching monorail and roller coaster videos on his iPad.  He's still a bit of a wobbly walker.  I'd be too if my head weighed a bunch more than normal and the swelling is still affecting his vision a bit, but its getting better every minute. 

Thats it for now.  If all keeps up like this we'll be on the road home in the morning.


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