Surgery Updates

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8:15 AM Well a little more than a half hour ago they took Isaiah back to finish prep for the surgery.  The surgery itself only takes around 2 hours but he'll be asleep for 4-5 hours.  The first hour is prep, parting his hair and clipping it back out of the way, cleaning the site, etc.  Your continual thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

One thing we learned today is how they harvest his own bone for the surgery which we weren't too clear on before, or if we were, we had forgotten over the past four years.  Apparently the skull has typically three layers sort of like an oreo cookie.  There are two outer layers of bone with, for the lack of a better term, creme-like center layer.  They'll take out portions of his skull and actually split it like an oreo, doubling the amount of bone they have to work with to put back in place.  As time goes by that split bone will grow back the additional layers of the original bone.  Even though we sometimes feel like this is old hat, we learn something new every time.

10:00 AM  Rachel just called into the OR for an update and alls going well.  Neuro is about to start their portion of work and according to Ann the OR nurse "the skin is all off"  A little TMI, but a bit comical how casual it was mentioned on the call.

10:30 AM   Dr. Price (neuro) is in the middle of the Craniectomy and all is progressing well.

11:00 AM All is still going well. No specific update given other than they estimate being done around 12:30.


Matt Millard said…
Thinking of yall- thanks for the updates.

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