B-day Boy

So even though Isaiah doesn't turn one until Friday next week we're having his birthday party this weekend. My Mom is flying in to town tonight for the weekend and the party which is great. Isaiah got to see my Dad and get a sneak preview of some of his presents when he was in town a couple weekends ago, and now my Mom is coming this weekend. I think we may have gone a bit overboard on the presents, but he only turns one once right? The big thing is this almost 5 foot diameter and 4 foot tall ball pit that Rachel got him which, while it'll take up probably half of the living room, will be great fun. I always wanted a ball pit when I was little!
Rachel ordered the cake from Publix and he gets a free 'smash cake' on his first birthday. The smash cake is all his own to smush and get messy with, which will be more good touch stuff with his hands. I've got a ton of pictures from the last month, put I'll probably do a big upload sometime after the party, but before we head to Dallas the last week of July!


Anonymous said…
July 17th! What a day, What a special little boy. You should celebrate the whole week or the whole year. It's your day as much as his so have some cake and help smash the cake. I can't wait to see the pictures. Have a wonderful time and tell Isaiah Happy 1rst Birthday!

Hey Isaiah, you are so lucky to have a mum and dad who spoil you so much! A ball pit! Hope you're making the most of it! xxMaria (Ira's mum)

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