The Pacifier

I've started a very very bad thing... On a whim I tried giving Isaiah a pacifier on Friday when he went down for his nap since he didn't seem like he wanted to nap without the sippy cup he emptied out. Rather than fill his tummy with air and have him burp out his lunch in the crib I figured I would give the pacifier a shot. Now for most kids this probably would be much news at all, but Isaiah has barely ever sucked on pacifiers, and if he did, because of his high palate, it was for maybe 30 seconds without assistance. The last time we can remember him sucking on a pacifier was maybe 6 months ago when we took that picture with him looking all Rolling Stones like. Unfortunately I think I've started something because we've pretty much had to give him the pacifier every time he's gone down for a nap now. We were hoping to get by without a paci, and now Rachel is worried that because we started it so late, it may not be that easy to get rid of in 6 months or so.

The funniest thing happened just about a half hour ago. Rachel had just changed his diaper before putting him down to a nap and of course he gave her a little squirt gun action so I was in there changing the changing table pad cover and he was still stirring a bit. I go over to check on him and notice the pacifier in his mouth, knowing full well Rachel would never have given it to him. I called over to Rachel just to check, but sure enough, he found the paci in the corner of his crib and put it in his mouth all on his own! When I was checking on him he had his hand guarding it like he thought we might take it out. It was adorable!


Marie said…
So sweet! I wish you'd gotten a picture.

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