Isaiah got out of surgery today at about 12:30 cst and got through it all fairly well. He now has 10 fingers and 10 toes! They're gift wrapped in some blue casts and we'll get to see them in person for the first time in about three weeks unless he pulls a Houdini act again.

The new pulse ox (SPO2) sensor worked great and the nurses seem to like it other than it only works with the newest readers which not all the rooms have yet so the vendor had to set up something special in our room so it reads into the central monitor computer the nurses can see at their base station.

He didn't seem to react well to the anesthetic gas today. First he started trying to chew the mask when Dr. Blakeley started administering it and then his Blood pressure and heart rate would drop some so they ended up using more narcotics than last time so he's been sleeping pretty soundly since getting out of the OR. When the heart rate dropped the anesthesiologist noticed that it sounded like his heart murmur was back so an ECHO and EKG were ordered to double check things and see if that might be the reason for the problems. They've done the ECHO already and we'll know more later once the doctors have time to look it over. It could be nothing, or it may be something to watch out for in the future.

Other than the possible murmur everything else is good, he's breathing well on his own and took over four ounces of apple juice so he's already taking some fluids on his own. Unfortunately due to the special monitor setup needed for his SPO2 we're stuck with a room with only a bed for one to sleep in tonight, so I'll be heading back to Angie's to sleep tonight while Rachel will sleep in the hospital. It might be good for me to get a good nights sleep anyways, especially if we get discharged tomorrow and we start the drive home. I kind of want to be here, but I wouldn't mind the sleep.

More updates as they're warranted...


Anonymous said…
Thanks for keeping us posted! We're thinking about you guys, and we're looking forward to welcoming you back so Isaiah can meet his new neighbor.


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