Somehow the vital connection is made...

So we caved and bought a new teeny tiny netbook today to use around the house and abroad so we will have some connectivity in Dallas after all. We'll be reliant on free wi-fi and hotel connections so updates won't be instantaneous, but they will be sooner than without the netbook.

It was about $300 and is only about 11" x 7" but its got all we need for having mobile internet and the like, plus its got a webcam so we're going to try get a skype account set up so we can video chat with people.

In Isaiah news he's been getting real talkative lately, almost teetering on the point of being annoying, but not quite. He's finally starting to make some consonant sounds by closing his mouth. We're just starting to hear some lalalalalas nanananananas and bababababas. He's been doing vowels for quite some time now though, but he's just been talking a ton more now.

We've also starting feeding him table foods. He especially likes cheerios right now and has even been feeding himself! Its not consistent, but the fact that he is feeding himself is absolutely great. The best part is this is with only his temporary '6' fingers and in little more than a months time he'll have use of 10 fingers! So he should be even better at it then.


Unknown said…
Cool! Steve is thinking about getting either a netbook or a full blown laptop. He's been working his butt off this summer umping softball to earn the money. I guess he doesn't like fighting me for the use of my laptop. :o)

Great news about Isaiah! Hope the trip to Dallas goes well. We'll be thinking about you!

Love, E
Josh said…
It's a shame the tax free weekend wasn't a little earlier...!

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