Dallas Trip Day 4 - Surgery Update 1

We were up bright and early this morning at 4am to give Isaiah his last bit of juice before the 4:30 cutoff. As we were getting ready he went back to sleep and we noticed a bunch of thunder outside. There ended up being some pretty major storms this morning so we hopped in the car and were trying to beat out much of the rain that seems to be dogging us the whole trip. As we were about to get on 35E there was the worlds longest freight train crossing in front of us and it took nearly 10 minutes to pass by. We were anxious enough for the surgery, but the looming storms made us that much more frantic. Eventually we were on our way again and got to the day surgery unit before the sky opened up on us. Unfortunately we left the camera in the car so I had to run back out to the parking lot. By this time it was absolutely pouring and I got soaked, but we got some cute pictures and two hours later I’m dry.

Another new thing is that Isaiah is testing out a new pulse ox sensor. He’s the first one at Medical City to try it out. Normally the typical pulse ox sensor is on the finger or toe and it measures the oxygen level in the blood stream. With this surgery since all four appendages are being operated on they can’t do that so in the past they use the ear lobe, which isn’t that accurate. This new sensor uses the a headband sensor on the forehead to get a real accurate reading and hopefully won’t come off as much as the ear one that Isaiah ripped off repeatedly last time. Its kind of cool getting to test equipment that will make things easier for other Apert kids or whoever may need the forehead sensor for whatever reason . They’ll have a typical sensor on his ear as well as a double check.

He’s in surgery now and doing well from the initial update we got a 9am.


Anonymous said…
We're praying! :)

love in Chist,

Mat and Malia Lehnertz

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