The stress of the trip

This whole doctor in Dallas thing has done wonders for our daily stress taking the place of something like 6 of our doctors here and simplifying life the majority of the time, but it sure makes for a stressful week when we have to head West. All of the packing, the long 12 hr drive, the monies involved in just making the trip for gas, lodging, eating etc, they make things interesting. Its all completely worth it for the level of care we receive.

Isaiah was funny this morning. At breakfast he was more interested in trying to feed himself and playing with his food than actually eating anything. He was watching me like a hawk while I was eating my breakfast and not allowing Rachel to feed him so we switched places. With me he ended up picking up his bowl of mashed bananas and trying to get it close enough to his face to lick out of the bowl. At first he didn't bend his elbows so he ended up holding the bowl straight out at about his eye level and spilled some bananas on his nose, which he promptly waited to slide down his face some and lick it up. He then realized he could bend his elbows and get it closer to his mouth, but he got more on his bibb than anything. Its still good though, all the messy exploration. We're trying to be a bit more free with him right now since he'll be in casts for three weeks and bandages for another three after and unless we want super stinky and sticky casts he can't get as messy. We're hoping he'll remember the fun he's having right now and jump back into it when the casts are off.

This is probably the last post until we're on the trip.


Marie said…
I'm so glad y'all are taking this relaxed approach and letting Isaiah explore with his hands. You're right. This will encourage him later when those fingers are sensitive but he remembers that using the six he has now was fun. Can't wait for this to be over for him and see some pictures and posts of fun with 10!

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