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Sorry I've been a bit off topic lately. Isaiah's been doing so well lately that our other stresses have kind of come to the forefront. It's kind of funny how you always remember to write about the bad things happening and not all the good ones, so here's a post with some updates on how good Isaiah is doing.

He started up with Physical Therapy again a couple of weeks ago and we're trying to cram in as many sessions as possible before his next surgery in a couple weeks. When Sherry saw him for the first time she said he's like a different baby. Keep in mind the last time she had a session with him was back in mid April. His coordination is getting much better, and we're trying to give him sippy cups more now than bottles because he can grip them pretty well and hold the bottle completely on his own now. He's still not crawling, but you can tell he wants to, so Sherry has been helping us do transition moves with him to help him move from his back to sitting up to his belly. He's learned how to flip himself back and forth from his back to tummy, but not back and forth from sitting up completely yet.

We're also doing a ton of tactile touch and feely things with him right now so his fingers get used to sensations a bit more before the surgery here so he'll remember that touching things are fun after his surgery. We've been playing with a plastic container full of uncooked rice that he sort of plays with like a sandbox. He really enjoys scooping some of it up in his hand and letting it fall out like rain. We've even seen him wiggle his thumb on his right hand to try and touch the rice (or to get it off his hand) The rest of his fingers are still a bit stiff since all of them except his pinky on the left hand are still connected to another finger. They wiggle, but not that much right now, so this thumb movement was great. We've also had him mushing around in some Jello, which, even though it was cold, he seemed to enjoy it. He didn't much like the taste or feel of it in his mouth, but he enjoyed us getting messy and squishing stuff around on his hands.

He's getting much smarter now too. We usually only have to show him how a toy works once or twice and he's got it down, and he loves to mimic us right now. We can get him to wave about 50% of the time, and his new thing as of last night is lifting his arms over his head in sort of a body builder like pose. It was like he wanted to show us his armpits or something, it was so funny I wish we had pictures of it.

So those are just some of the great things he's been doing lately!


Anonymous said…
I think my favorite is that in addition to mimicing you, he is thrilled if he can get you to mimic him. What a cutey! And definitely a smart kid. I am always so impressed with him!


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