crying fits continue

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Isaiah's been a bit more than we could handle the last few days. We had a couple of appointments the last few days which have thrown his relatively comfy 'schedule' out of whack. He's been crying a lot at night which could be colic, or it could be that he's got too much pressure inside his little head.

The appointment yesterday was with the Neurosurgeon, who also happens to be the head of Neurosurgery at Children's Hospital, Roger Hudgins. He was very nice and seemed very confident in his dealings with children with Apert Syndrome. We have another CT scan scheduled for tuesday next week to determine if they need to ramp up the timetable for the surgeries since what he did see from the MRI's and CT scans that were taken right after birth show very little space for the brain to grow which may be what is causing all his discomfort.

He's up to 120+ cc's of food a feeding plus with his crying fits he needs to eat more often since he's expelling all sorts of energy. It's draining and Daddy has brought home work the last couple nights to try and keep his hours up, but he hasn't had a chance to do a thing yet.

Other than lack of sleep and dealing with the crying we're doing well. We feel better somewhat after meeting the neurosurgeon and found out through Rachel's Dad's contacts that we have some of the best, if not the best doctors in the SE US on the team. Especially the two biggies in Dr Hudgins and Dr Burstein (Cranio-facial surgeon)


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