Fussy Fussy

So tonight has been a bit frustrating. He's been fussy and not sleeping since he woke up for his feeding at 7:30. I was hoping to get the pictures up but Rachel and I have been trading off keeping him company and trying to get him to bed, so tomorrow hopefully.

Anyways today people started cooking things for us at my work which is great. We're going to be getting meals MWF for a little while at least which will help with the stress level and pocket book as we try to ease into this new stage in life. Also someone at work who wished to remain anonymous has given me four of their vacation days since I'm at the brink of going over mine with a ton of appointments to go. Thank you whoever did that, it is greatly appreciated!

Rachel and I are constantly amazed at how much people want to help and are praying for us. We can't thank everyone enough because we know every single thing someone does for us and every prayer they say for Isaiah and us does help. Rachel's grandma told her Mom something that has really encouraged us saying something along the lines that God gives the special children to his special people because He knows that we will care for them unconditionally and that we can handle it.

We know this all happened for a reason, and what that reason is isn't exactly clear right now, but we know we will gain so much out of this experience. We've gained a ton of support in our short time here in GA, we'll grow by leaps and bounds as Isaiah does too. This all is a positive thing in a way, just a really stressful one right now since we're still gathering everything together and probably will be for some time.


Unknown said…
Wow, it sounds like you work with some amazing people! Lots of prayers coming your way from sunny Minnesota! Miss ya, and keep the updates coming as you can.
Anonymous said…
One day at a time and everything will fall into place. Parenthood is a wonderful but scary experience at first. Soon you will not think of your life "BI" only after "BI" and you will begin to adjust in no time. It is natural to try to fit this life into your old life but you will( at your own pace) mold the 2 together and things will be fine.

Jill S said…
Oh my gosh - I said the same thing to Brian when we found out about Izzy!! - - that if there is anyone in the world we knew could handle this type of scenario, it was you two! You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Miss you!

love, Jill

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