Post Heavy Day!

So its my third post in an hour. I figure I should break these up a bit so you don't have to scroll too much. We have to get all the updates in since its a bit hard during the week.

We've got a bunch of photos to update on the web and should be able to get them up sometime this weekend. They're on the compy already, I jsut need to get them organized to post them up.

Also we're finally getting around to getting another batch of Thank you notes out. We've misplaced the big stack of ones we bought before he came in all the mess and haven't had a chance to sit down and start writing things. It's hard to start because we have some many people to thank. We want you all to know we are very thankful for all your help, we're just a bit slow in getting the direct news back to you!


Anonymous said…
Brian & Rachel, thanks for these uopdates. I've been SWAMPED getting ready for 2 site visits that went very well: Managing for Excellence Award on 8/19 and NAEYC on 8/29.

Isaiah is growing so fast! 'Can't wait to see Rachel tomorrow. I put the finising touches on his sweater and blanket over the weekend, so I'll give it to you tomorrow.

The three of you are continually in my thoughts and prayers. Just let me know how we, your ACS family, can be of help.

Jackye Brown

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