Poop!... There it is!

The tag team of Brian and Rachel just had a 4 diaper cleanup here at the 4am feeding. Rachel was taking care of the first messy messy diaper and cleaning him up as he decided he wasn't done. We're both kind of punchy at this point and just started laughing because we've never had the diaper off and him essentially pooping in our hands as we hold the new diaper on. Thank goodness we had the new one slipped under the old one before we fully took it away or we'd be talking more about the laundry right now. He messed the second diaper up pretty good and as we were trying to get him clean again he still somehow managed to find a bit more and mess a third diaper. After a two man effort we finally got him completely clean and into diaper #4 which is what he is now wearing. All of this in about a 10 minute span.

He just sat there, happy as a clam, almost mockingly smiling at us, the whole way through. Now he's wide awake and so are we so we're watching the women's gymnastics win gold and silver live at 4.45!

I'm sure work will be fun later today.

Anyways my Mom is coming in from WI Saturday and hopefully bringing kringle and seven sisters danish! It'll be nice to have her help and give Rachel's Mom a bit of a break since she's been carrying a heavy load helping us a ton this last week (and letting me go to the braves/cubs game last night with Uncle Micah and Grandpa H)


Anonymous said…
What an experience! But you guys seem to have it down. The best way to get through it is with a sense of humor.

I giggled a bit as I read it ;)

-Mat and Malia Lehnertz
Anonymous said…
Funny! Laughter is good otherise you will cry. :-)

Jill S said…
HA! I love this story - - reminds me of Jack's 4 foot projectile poop when he was an infant. (yeah....not fun to clean up, is it??) Sounds like Izzy is keepin' ya'all on your toes! :)

love, Jill

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