Sleepless in the Suburbs

Man people weren't kidding this parenting thing is work! We're getting a bit more sleep now that I've figured out the monitor some, but still not as much as BI (Before Isaiah). He's eating like a horse still which is great and bodes well for him making it through the surgeries better in a few months. Rachel set up most of our consultation appointments with the specialist and survived her first day without me because she is super mom! Plus Isaiah's Diaper rash is getting much better now.

It was tough for me to go back to work today. I knew I had a ton of not so fun work to do and all I wanted to do was stay home and play with Isaiah. Plus I barely slept so the first few hours of work were that much harder. I hit my second wind around 11am but am slowly crashing down now aned will be wide awake around his midnight feeding again. Being a night owl is great in some respects, except that I'm at work when my body wants to sleep which doesn't quite work out too well. If it weren't 90+ degrees out all this week I might be taking lunch naps in the car!

Rachel's Mom and Hannah continue to help today which makes both of our lives a bit easier. Me so I can relax a bit after work before fully digging in to parenting, and Rachel so she can get some much needed sleep. We're relishing it while we can, because we know it won't last forever.


Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday late Rachel--(never know when it is a good time to call) Hope you had some fun and sleep! MAK

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