
I'm at work so I only have a second to update. We got Rachel out of the house for her Birthday last night - the first time she's been outside the property since he came home last week.

Also we'll get more pix and videos up soon. I'm the one who's been uploading them and with working, coming home to the baby, cleaning, and sleeping, much more of my time is spoken for than before since I'd like to try and give Rachel a little break from her days with him (though Rachel's Mom, Dad and Sis have been helping her out during the day). I'll get things up as soon as I have a spare hour, hopefully tonight, but by this weekend at the latest.


Malia said…
No rush! Sure, we love seeing pictures of the little champ, but you're new parents and understandably busy!

love in Christ-

Mat and Malia Lehnertz

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